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Meet Joe Heffington

Legal Registered Agent Services, Inc. (LRAS) was born in August of 1969, although Joe had no idea at the time. As a young lawyer fresh out of the University of Texas, he was like many fresh lawyers, full of ambition, knowledge, work ethic, and an unquenchable drive to practice law… with just one problem: The lobby wasn’t exactly standing room only packed with clients waiting for a rookie lawyer to take their case.

Joe got his start in Austin, taking care of one client at a time. In the 70’s, there was one registered agent service that basically took care of nearly every corporation in America:The Prentice Hall Corporation. There was no one else really in the game. They happened to hire a local lawyer by the name of Arthur Bagby in the same building that Joe practiced law out of. The Littlefield Building on 6th and Congress was just a building that a lot of small law firms rented office space out of because of it’s proximity to court houses and state agencies.

Arthur Bagby and The Prentice Hall needed to part ways. Some city slickers from New York showed up at Joe’s door and asked if he’d be interested in doing their Texas work. He just needed to hire the gal that came completely trained from the other lawyer and get the building to move suite numbers so that Prentice Hall wouldn’t have to pay millions in state filing fees to update all their clients registered agent addresses. And like any young lawyer ready to take over the world, Joe gladly thanked the Lord, scratched his head wondering how he could get so lucky in life, and took this relationship all the way to the bank.

Prentice Hall eventually got bought out by a company called Corporation Service Company (CSC). It was determined at some point that CSC would bring this service in-house and Joe was fired. Some fine folks from Prentice Hall decided to start their own registered agent service in the meantime called National Registered Agents Inc (NRAI). These folks knew Joe and whambalooza! Joe’s back in the registered agent business.

For those of you not in-tune with household registered agent names, these juggernauts we’re calling out by name are the biggest of the biggest, and Texas is the biggest state in the lower 48.

The law offices of Joe Heffington and Legal Registered Agent Services Inc have literally helped the biggest worldwide corporations stay moving by accepting their service of process and important legal documents for over 40 years. These registered agent service providers grew to be titans in their industry because of the solid and reliable services Joe provided.

Now eventually National Registered Agents Inc was acquired by a company called Corporation Trust (CT), which is now the biggest registered agent service in the world. Legal Registered Agent Services Inc started as a subsidiary for Joe’s law clients, but over the years grew to a boutique registered agent service that is very well known within the borders of Texas and is the go-to source for many Texas lawyers. The vision of providing the same kind of service that the world’s largest registered agents provided but at a fraction of the cost seemed simple and not very revolutionary at the time. The longevity has turned out to be quite revolutionary.

Legal Registered Agent Services Inc provides Texas registered agent service for $95 a year. If you need legal guidance or are involved in a court case, the Law Offices of Joe Heffington will already be familiar with your business entity, making scheduling a consultation that much easier.

In an effort to keep up with the times, Legal Registered Agent Services Inc has partnered with Registered Agents Inc to have a satellite office in Austin and be able to provide software applications that LRAS clients can now utilize to do corporate filings in any state.

Our mission from the beginning has been to provide the same service that the world’s largest registered agents provide but at a fraction of the cost. The reality is that with the advent of the internet, a small boutique registered agent in the Hill Country of Texas just can’t have software developers on standby. Registered Agents Inc provides cutting edge software to allow any LRAS client to have instant how to resources to do any corporate filing in any state.

Registered Agents Inc is the largest Wyoming registered agent and headquartered in the foothills of Wyoming mountains which reminds us of where we call home. You get access to a national network at our pricing, $95 a year, not what a massive national outfit would charge you.

We thank you dearly for considering our services and we hope not only to satisfy your needs today, but to ride along with you for your journey of doing business in Texas.